How to Write a Compelling About us Page

June 5, 2014

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How to Write a Compelling About us Page

When building a website there are too many ideas that come to mind and getting lost is easier than you might think. The creation of a new site implies research and knowing how to implement all of your ideas into one location. Building a site can have you easily enticed with all of the bells and whistles your website can have but if we stick to just the design process we forget the most important thing every website should have and that is, fresh and original content. To most, an ‘About Us’ page may not be on our list of top priorities, but it should be. For SEO purposes a landing page is very important but you won’t have landing pages that all state your company’s identity and or history (which is important to clients that want to know who they’ll be doing business with).If you haven’t optimized your ‘About Us’ page, you’re missing out on an opportunity to enhance online presence and earn more sales. The following tips are things every successful about us page has.

Westchester Marketing Company

Fresh, Original Content

We all know this page is where we tell our customers about our business and a good story is imperative. A cold, wordy overview packed with buzzwords is boring and will be read by no one. Your company is important to you but you don’t have to incorporate all of your enthusiasm into that content. The importance of an ‘About Us’ page is simple; it is your best bet when it comes to talking about your company and sharing your unique identity with the world. Show a little passion and personality yet be sure to stay firm to your company’s principles and voice. If you don’t feel comfortable creating the content, hire a copywriter to make your ideas sound smooth and professional whilst keeping it a story told with passion and creativity.



An About us page does more than fill audience in with a history of your company. It is also the mean where you can provide customers and potential clients to other core values of your enterprise. Use your about us page to briefly discuss your vision, function and most importantly, what you have to offer to the field. What exactly do you do? How do you orchestrate your plan? Visitors to the site want to know who you are and what you provide. They also want to know why they clients should take action and what you have that others don’t. Follow these steps and you will see an increase in traffic which leads to more sales.


Visual aid and CTA

Visual creativity isn’t just about pristine images and showing us your product over and over again. A pixilated thumbnail of your headquarters won’t be enough to entice an audience. But posting images of happy employees working and enthused creates a personal connection with your visitors and reader. Including unique design elements that you have on other pages is also recommended, if your audience enjoys your work and like what they see, chances are they will take the time to browse through your site. Also, if you haven’t already done so, you need to implement a call to action on your website, more importantly on your landing pages and about us page. This is important because now that you’ve told an audience your story, it’s time to take the opportunity to in a subtle way let them know to act now.

Westchester Web Design

Now that you know how important an about us page is, I recommend you look at what you have so far and if you have a slightly out of focus thumbnail or boring introduction to how your company started, it would behoove you to create fresh and original content that your audience won’t mind reading. In today’s fast paced world, people don’t have time to sit and read lots of content and we all know we have very little patience for slow loading images and long introductions. Be sure to have concise information that is accessible to all and you will find that in no time, both your website and your company will grow in popularity and revenue.

Jubilant Web is a Westchester Marketing Company that offers Westchester SEO services and Westchester Web Design. For more information on how to grow your brand and online presence, contact Jubilant Web today.