
SEO For Beginner Tips

When starting to dive into the world of SEO and online marketing, it can be difficult to decide what parts are important and which are not. Here are four basics to help your website get off the ground. 1) Search Friendly Website First impressions are everything. Everyone wants a pretty website but what you are…


Basic SEO explanation “updates” due to Google search algorithm changes and improvements

1. Write excellent content -The importance of quality writing in SEO This is very true that the quality of content is a very important factor. 2. Keyword density -The role of keyword density in search engine optimization Keyword density is somewhat important in terms of overall page weight. 3. Latent semantic indexing -Latent semantic indexing:…


Google Search Algorithm Shifting to On-line Public Relations Campaigns

For Immediate Release For Information Contact: Engage Newswire Lori Thompson: PR@EngageNewswire.com New York NY (November 16, 2012) – Google’s goal is simple. It wants to deliver the very best original, relevant and interesting content to its users. In an effort to accomplish this objective more effectively Google is continuing to evolve its secretive algorithm. An…


Google’s Panda Update and What It Could Mean For Your Website’s Result Ranking

For Immediate Release For Information Contact: Engage Newswire Lori Thompson: PR@EngageNewswire.com New York NY (September 24, 2012) – Google’s latest update to their ever elusive and secretive algorithm is referred to as the Panda update. Although we are unsure of the inspiration behind the name we are sure of the new changes and what they…


New Guaranteed Google Local SEO based Subscription Exceeding Expectations

For Immediate Release For Information Contact: Engage Newswire Lori Thompson: PR@EngageNewswire.com New York NY (September 23, 2012) – Since Google’s algorithm, Panda and Penguin, update implementations began earlier in 2012, monthly search engine optimization services have been a hot topic in the news. These updates increased guidelines on website optimization such as an increase in…


Get To Know SEO

SEO is a common term if you are familiar with online marketing but for those who are just starting the process; it seems like a pretty foreign term. SEO stands for search engine optimization. It is a series of techniques to help improve the standing of your business in search engine results. Just think of…


The successful SEO strategy in 2013 -Content & relevant and trusted inbound linking

In an effort to share some knowledge with our readers we are distributing some insight into a successful SEO strategy based on the most current factors in the SEO search engine (mostly Google, Yahoo and Bing) . The biggest change in 2013 so far is the announcement that Yahoo search is now provided by Microsoft’s…