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Basic SEO explanation “updates” due to Google search algorithm changes and improvements

1. Write excellent content -The importance of quality writing in SEO
This is very true that the quality of content is a very important factor.

2. Keyword density -The role of keyword density in search engine optimization
Keyword density is somewhat important in terms of overall page weight.

3. Latent semantic indexing -Latent semantic indexing: a subtle but vital aspect of SEO
Agreed on this point as natural language processing recognition has improved in Google algorithms.

4. Use the h1 tag -The h1 tag still plays a huge role in SEO
H1 tags is not that important in relation to the overall SEO process. This point makes it sound as if a keyword is not using the tag then it won’t be indexed. Google’s algorithm has surpassed this basic tagging.

5. Put your keywords in the URL -Keywords in the URL of webpages helps in SEO

Definitely helps so whenever possible use the keyword on the url

6. Use keywords in the names of directories -Directory structure in SEO
Definitely helps so whenever possible use directory SEO friendly.

7. Keywords in domain name -Choose a domain name that uses keywords
Definitely helps so whenever possible use domains with friendly keyword.

8. Flash is bad for SEO! – Flash is bad for search engine optimization
Flash is not bad for SEO but it certainly does not aid the SEO process either. An image is more powerful because of the tagging and recent advances in algorithm recognition by Google.

9. Frames are bad for SEO! -Avoid frames like the plague
Frames used to be really bad for SEO but with new enhancements to SEO algorithms if the content and structure and frames are relevant and useful to the user, Google may even favor frames.

10. Use a high content-to-code ratio -The readable text (content) should outweigh the code
This used to be true but with recent advances in Google algorithms, and additions to javascript for analytics, advanced monitoring, customer support apps the keyword the ratio is not as important.

11. Put the menu on the right-hand side- Putting the menu on the right-hand side helps in SEO
Actually the best location for the menu is on the top of the webpage as Google favors easy top navigation and website’s menus usually dictates the page importance, relevance, hierarchy and main keywords.

12. Use a reputable web host -A good web host helps with SEO
This is true that you do not want to share your webspace hosting with a server that is unreliable, spammer, contains virus or has adult theme websites.

13. Put outbound links to high-quality websites in your content -High-quality outbounds links help A LOT in SEO
This is not as important. Just like any good research paper it is good to point to resources but if your content is better than the “high quality websites” then the links are not worth having just for the sake of SEO.

14. Use a unique IP address -Having a unique IP address is vital in SEO
Unique IP is helpful but Google recognizes that not every website can have a dedicated IP just like Google recognizes that shared IP servers may have better more relevant content than other websites on a dedicated IP. More important than dedicated /unique IP is the domain age, and how long the domain is registered for.

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