Choosing Between Display Ads And Search Ads

March 26, 2016

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Choosing Between Display Ads And Search Ads

Despite the stigma, advertising is an extremely effective means of informing potential buyers and getting results. And it’s not always as intrusive as you may believe either. Yes, watching TV can be maddening at times and pop-ups on the web have at some point made everyone want to toss their computers out the window. But there are other ways and they work well. You have push tactics, and then you have pull tactics. The push is visual. Display ads are a means of seeking out and finding new users to tell them that you exist. The pull is textual. Search ads, which are most commonly executed through the use of pay-per-click (PPC) services, are a means of attracting those who are already interested but do not know about your particular brand yet. This article will describe the strengths and weaknesses of both forms of advertising.

Search Volume: You can check this on your Keyword Planner tools for Google AdWords. This will help you determine to what degree your target audience already knows about your product and/or service, and more importantly, to what degree do they know about you. If your audience is already sufficiently informed, then they are liable to come find you, in which case you’ll want to initiate a pull tactic ad campaign. You don’t need to chase them down and if you do, you run the risk of alienating them. On the other hand, if you are offering something brand new; something that people have never even heard of before, you have a responsibility to inform them. To do so, you need to implement visual communication. So in short, high search volume for relevant keywords and your brand name means search ad campaigns are the way to go; low search volume should indicate that you need to run a display ad campaign.

Branding: This is arguably the most important feature of any business model. Branding is everything. Branding is the reason Santa Claus wears red (Coke), why people buy the Mac Air over the Asus, and so forth. It’s the most effective way to stay in someone’s memory after they stop thinking about the actual service or product. The most effective branding is done visually. So in the interest of launching your brand, you are going to want to run a push campaign. Placement of those ads is key as well, as people will subconsciously associate your brand with the experience they are having when they see it. That’s why super bowl commercials are so exorbitantly expensive. To draw the connection to online display ads, you can target your audience using demographic metrics and user data so that you reach people making particular searches who you know would be interested. The same goes for paying to be seen on sites you know your audience visits frequently.

Expense Management: When it comes to running a business, budgeting is as important as anything. Spend too much in one area and you’ll go broke in the next. Display ads are pricey, especially in the long term. So in the interest of longevity, search ads are a great way to save up cash while still expanding your reach.

In the end, both techniques serve their purpose. It’s really a matter of circumstance. If you’re offering a service that people are already aware of, you should run search ads. If you want to spread brand awareness, run display ads. But if you’re limited on cash, then you may want to start slow and work your way up, or you can run a brief display ad campaign, just so long as you keep an eye on your wallet.

Ultimately, you’re going to want to design your strategy with a professional, as your circumstances are liable to change regularly, especially if your business is doing well. That’s why finding a dependable search engine marketing agency to help you design at PPC services plan to maximize your return on investment is the best way to move things forward. Jubilant Web offers top quality PPC services, as well as SEO services, social media management, web design services, and web development services. For more information, give us a call at (845) 790-0420, or contact us online anytime.