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SEO For Beginner Tips

When starting to dive into the world of SEO and online marketing, it can be difficult to decide what parts are important and which are not. Here are four basics to help your website get off the ground.

1) Search Friendly Website

First impressions are everything. Everyone wants a pretty website but what you are viewing is a good indication of how easy it is to find you. Search engines use “crawlers” to find and read website data in order to ranking their search engine results.”Splash” pages that include a lot of flash based or Javascript images can lower ranking numbers since they are considered invisible to the “crawler bots.” Having a clean and user friendly site can ensure that everything is crawled and indexed by search engines.

2) Tell Search Engines Where You Are

A smart way get search engines to actively crawl on your web site is to get them a HTML “sitemap.” This is a page that contains all the links for your entire site. A smart idea is to place a link to the sitemap in the footer so then the search engine bots can easily find them. Another type of sitemap that can be created is a XML sitemap, which directly sends information to search engines. This is useful if you have included a blog that is updated regularly on your website. The sitemap communicates where pages are located and when they have been updated. It can also be directly submitted to Bing and Google to ensure easy crawling.

3) Basic Site Optimization

In order to form the foundation of SEO, keyword research is an important component to find how people will find your product. Tag optimization is another key part of basic optimization. Title tags can help with search engine rankings while meta tags can help to increase the amount of click to your site from the search engine results. These tags are simply the title and description that shows when searching for a product and service. Every page should have a unique tag in order for maximum optimization.

4) Blog Implementation and Content Creation

One of the best ways for small businesses to increase their visibility is to create a blog and add original content regularly. In order to gain more links and optimization from your blog, the best thing to do would be to have it located on the same domain as your website. Using actual blog sites may reduce the amount of links that can be associated with you. Having your blog on your actual website provides long-term SEO value that will only improve with blog content updates.

In order to thrive in this ever changing world, businesses must adapt and learn about the current technology and online marketing world. These basic tips are sure to help create a solid foundation to increase the visibility of your website and drive more traffic to it.

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